September 2020

Volunteering for the over 70s

GNN have received confirmation from Public Health directors in Hampshire and we are pleased to report that those over the age of 70 in good health can once again carry out voluntary driving services.A risk assessment should be carried out and the guidance set out in the Volunteer Guidelines issued at the start of the pandemic should still be followed:

  • Drivers should wear a face mask and passengers should wear a face covering if possible
  • Passengers should sit at the back of the car, on the diagonal to the driver
  • Cars should be sanitised after the journey is completed

Please also remember that if a volunteer or passenger has Covid-19 symptoms they should stay at home for the recommended amount of time and arrange to have a test carried out.
Further information regarding self-isolating and testing can be found here.

Active at home

Sport England & Public Health England have produced a booklet “to provide practical guidance to older adults on home-based activities to maintain their strength and balance. It follows concerns that low levels of physical activity in older adults will lead to reduced fitness resulting in loss of independence and need for care in the future.”

The booklet can be downloaded here and groups may wish to share the link with their clients and volunteers.

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