Celebrate Volunteers Week
Happy #VolunteersWeek! Taking place 1-7 June each year, it’s a chance to say thank you for all the support volunteers offer their communities!
A huge thanks to all volunteers who worked so hard over the past year. We ♥️ Good Neighbours
“The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering.
“However, the coronavirus pandemic has rightly raised the profile of volunteering and more people than ever are aware of the immense contribution being made every single day by Britain’s volunteers.” – NCVO
A helping hand for Sway Welfare Aid Group
Sway Welfare Aid Group (SWAG) have been the lucky recipients of the very first charity donation worth £200 from the new Co-op store in their area! SWAG says, “Many thanks to Team Leader Kirsten, Store Manager Anthony, and all the Co-op team!”
Summer's coming - time to get active!
Network members PALS of Yateley are planning on asking their local Men’s Shed to make some raised beds, and then befrienders and befriendees will plant them up and care for them. This is a great example of testing out a new idea, as well as a chance to get active and get some fresh air and sunshine!
We know that many people have spent far too much time indoors during the Covid pandemic and helping others to get moving again outside is so important to building confidence and good mental and physical health. A great way of getting some much-needed exercise is to go for a walk with your befriendee. Even a short walk can make all the difference.